
Sak Creations has been my Web Design identity since 2000. As a freelance Web Designer/Developer between 2000 and 2004 I have worked in house within the publishing and broadcasting industries. Since 2004 to present I work off site for various companies/organisations, providing full web solutions and ongoing maintenance of websites.

Whilst working as a freelance web designer, in order to keep my skills updated I successfully completed an MSc in Computer Science (Internet Technology) at the University of Wolverhampton, passing with distinction in 2007. This opened up a new career direction for me and I am currently studying for a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Wolverhampton.

What's on this site?


Web Design


My blog web2research.wordpress.com began life documenting the progress of my MSc. It continues to document the progress of my PhD and ramblings about online games, tagging and general web 2.0 things.